GFI Program Director Ana Blackburn announces results of the 5th Annual Youth Leadership Award

December 1, 2011 McDonough, GA-

On behalf of Galing Foundation, Inc. Board and the 2011 Youth Leadership Selection Committee with the support of the Philippine Honorary Consul General Raoul "Ray" Donato, Program Director Ana Blackburn announces the results of the 5th Annual Youth Leadership Award. "It is a great honor to congratulate all 9 youth members of the Filipino community in Georgia who participated in the 5th Annual YLA Program as well as their respective family and friends who provide enormous support throughout the years. We share with them the joy in their academic and civic achievement. We recognize the tremendous generosity of time, talent and resources which all 9 nominees have genuinely contributed back to the community here and abroad. We at GFI are deeply honored to be a recognizing body of 9 young leaders who are actively and meaningfully engaged."- A. Blackburn

Given by the 3-member Selection Committee composed of Bryan Ramos, Esq., Tricia Sung and Carolina A. Woodley, Ph.D. a total average of 96% (academic, civic, leadership & character), Ms. Kimberly Moriles will be awarded on Friday, December 2 as the 2011 Youth Leader Honoree.

Kimberly Moriles 12th Grade, Dutchtown High School, Hampton, GA

ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE: 1.) Elementary: All A’s Honor Roll 1st to 5th Grade Highest GPA, Outstanding Christian Character, Art Award, Duke University TIP Program, Principal’s Award 2005, Principal Award 2006, Spelling Bee 1st Place Winner 2004-2005 2.) Middle School: All A’s Honor Roll & Band 6th to 8th Grade Honor Band, Social Studies Award, Citizenship Award 2007- 2008,Outstanding Student in Music Achievement 2009, Duke University Duke TIP, Outstanding Flute Student in 7th grade, Participated in Science Fairs 2007 (Placed 2nd in County level) and 2008 (3rd Place), Spelling Bees, Got Superior ratings for Music Solo & Ensemble District VI 2006-2007 3.) High School : Current GPA – 97.548 Belongs to the Top 5% of DHS Class 2012 of 309 students Honor Roll 9th,10th,11th Symphonic Band all 4 yrs of high school (Best Section 2011) Best Overall in English (2011) National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, National Beta Club, National Society of High School Scholars, Nominated for 2010-2011 Governor’s Honor’s Program 2011 GA certificate of Merit Clubs: Art’s Club, Spanish Club, HOSA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Key Club, Beta Club Plays piano & flute (Outstanding Student in Piano 2010)

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Kimberly has been involved in community service since she was young. She has joined the Girl Scouts of America and has received the Bronze Award. In High School, she has been involved in her school clubs and has done community service such as the Relay for Life, Habitat for Humanity, Walk for Leukemia, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Morrow Presbyterian Food Pantry. Kimberly also plays the flute and piano/keyboard on Sundays at the Morrow Presbyterian Church. She also participated at the 30 Hour Famine campaign for hunger in her church.

LEADERSHIP: Kimberly has been involved as a student leader for FCA in school. She also participated in the Lead America for Medicine & Healthcare at Georgetown University in 2010. She is a youth leader at Morrow Presbyterian Church where she plays the keyboard for the Youth Praise Band. She is also involved with the Hapeville Vietnamese Church where she is a youth leader facilitating Bible studies and music for worship. She organized a fundraising event “Night under the Stars” Talent Show and Dinner to raise money for a youth camp. This year, she decided to be a volleyball manager for her sister’s volleyball team at DHS.

CHARACTER: Kimberly is a person of integrity. She was raised in the church and she tries to follow God’s teachings in her life. She complained that in her school, cheating is so rampant and most of her friends get higher grades than she does. She believes that it is wrong and she tries not to follow it even if it means lower grades in her AP classes compared to most of her friends. In 2009, during Youth Sunday at Morrow Presbyterian Church, she gave a testimony to the whole church on how her relationship with God has changed over the years. She babysits her youth director’s children and volunteers at the Food Pantry. She plans to take up Nursing or Medicine in college and work at St Jude’s Hospital for Children in Memphis,Tennessee.

Ms. Moriles strongly competed with 8 other young leaders nominees from the Filipino community of Georgia.

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