December 7, 2012

Chamblee, GA 

"Gratitude, Goodwill & Compassion", the 6th annual Youth Leadership Award and Community Volunteer Appreciation with Philippine Honorary Consul General Ray Donato was held at Canton House in Chamblee, GA.  The 2012 YLA (State of Georgia) nominees were Shereen Ragheb (middle school category), Van Tierra, Lee Wilkes II and Camille Mapua (high school category).  In partnership with the Philippine Honorary Consulate General in Atlanta since 2007, Galing Foundation, Inc. promotes the importance of volunteerism,  meaningful engagement and commitment among the youth in charitable organizations that benefit the community and beyond for a common good. 
This year's distinguished members of the selection committee were Oliver Adams (Board of Director of Metro South Assoc. of Realtors), Estrella Cramer (Global Procurement Finance Manager at UPS) and Tomy Stone (student minister at Pine Crest Baptist Church).  The criteria were based on academic excellence, community service, leadership and character.  
Photo Credit: TAG Photography by Tristin Glaze

Photo: Shereen Ragheb, Van Tierra, Lee Wilkes II, Scott Luetgers (GFI president), Camille Mapua, PHCG Ray Donato & Ana Blackburn (GFI program director)

The FFOAG (Federation of Filipino American Organizations in Georgia) presents Ragheb & Moratin the 1st Literary Award winners of "I'm Proud to be a Filipino-American" essay contest celebrating Filipino American History Month last October 20, 2012 held at the National Archives at Atlanta

Photo: Omar Ragheb, Betty Poole, Nennette Guerrero, Jordan Moratin & Marilyn Doromal


Photo: Bernadette Manaois, Ces Alberto, Arjho Turner, Jane Rolen, Jim McSweeney, Toni Daya-Luetgers, Scott Luetgers, PHCG Donato and Ana Blackburn

The board of Galing Foundation, Inc. & PHCG Donato presents an award of recognition to Jim McSweeney, Regional Liason of the National Archives at Atlanta for his support and commitment to the Filipino community in observance of the Filipino American History Month and May 18, 2013 Filipino American History in the South project.