Graduated with Honors from DHS High School May 2012
Ranked 12
th of 314 graduates
Dean’s Scholarship
Awardee, Berry College

I am currently majoring in Biology and minoring in Chemistry at Berry College, in hopes to further my education in Pre-Medicine. Currently, I have two jobs, working in the athletic department. I am part of the Fellowship, a faith based group around the Presbyterian ministry as well as Habitat for Humanity, Allied Health Club and Clubs against Cancer. I am also active in College Life which encourages the spread of God’s Word in the high school aged community through camps and regular meetings. Right now, I am training but I am so excited to work with the local youth in their high schools.

Congratulatory Message to 2012 YLA Recipients

Greetings! I am so sorry I couldn’t attend this wonderful event. I’m currently studying at Berry College, and there are scheduling conflicts. However, I would like to send my personal congratulations to all the 2012 YLA recipients! You should all be proud of what you all have accomplished. Being leaders and taking active roles in the community is no easy feat. It takes character and perseverance, in spite of any impediments that may come. And to be able to accomplish this is an accomplishment in and of itself. I pray that each and every single one of you can understand the weight of what you do- and that you all understand that any act to help and strengthen the community is important, no matter how big or small. I hope that you all continue to be leaders and help your community. God bless.