The Federation of Filipino-American Organizations of Georgia in cooperation with Galing Foundation, Inc. proudly presents "The Filipino American Experience", honoring the
women behind NaFFAA on Saturday, May 18 (6:30 cocktails, 7:00pm dinner) at the Westin Hotel Atlanta Airport (4736 Best Road Atlanta, GA 30337).  NaFFAA (National Federation of Filipino-American Associations), the organization recognized by Washington policy makers, private industry and national advocacy groups as the Voice of Filipinos and Filipino-Americans in the U.S. 
"The FFAOG Gala night will showcase heroes of our time with an awarding ceremony fitting to
current day community volunteers and advocates.  America was founded by immigrants. Our heroism and valiant service must be brought to the table of American stage. It has to be nurtured and sustained  with an unparalleled height. This GALA aims to gather leaders of the south with eight
component states all in celebration- a privilege and an opportunity to bond together as one." - M. Doromal, chair of NaFFAA Region 4 and FFAOG.
FFAOG GALA NIGHT will feature:
  • Keynote by: Loida Nicolas Lewis, Chair & CEO of TLC Beatrice International, National Chair of US Pinoy for Good Governance, former Chair of NaFFAA
  • Commissioner Rozita Villanueva Lee, White House Initiative on AAPI
  • Dr, Joy Bruce, founder of NANAY Inc. 
  • Aurora S. Cudal, PhD, San Diego County California's Woman Hall of Fame Awardee 

Live entertainment by:
  • Dr. Vickie Navarra, a modern culture-changer  from  medical missionary  to one of her well loved gift of singing, will render a Filipino classic "Mutya Ng Pasig",  the Essence of a Filipino Woman. 
  • Ms. Zennie Doria Mendoza, a composer and music director, South Carolina NaFFAA State Chair will perform on the keyboard showcasing her passion and virtuosity for music.    
FFAOG GALA promises a powerhouse of modern community leaders who are relentless in making a difference in the lives of the Filipino people from their homeland and in America. 

Join the Filipino-American heroes of today and be empowered to make a bolder contribution for tomorrow. 
Saturday, May 18,2013 : 6:30 Cash Bar, 7:00pm DINNER
Contacts: Marilyn Doromal - Gen. Info   706-685-4484
Betty N. Poole - Dinner Donation-$45.00 404.434.6107
Mailing Address: 1321 Greenfield Way , Lawrenceville GA 30043