Annalie Tolentino Edday in a Blaan traditional outfit
(Photo: Ana Blackburn, Annalie Edday, Toni D. Luetgers, Arjho C. Turner, Hannah Turner, Pam Peterman, Melissa Luetgers, Immanuel Turner & Robert Peterman)

January 3, 2014 East Point, GA

Gathered with a small group from the Filipino community in Atlanta, "Learn at Lunch" program with GFI partner QUEST program manager of Sarangani Province, Ms. Annalie Tolentino Edday proved to be an informative conversation.  She is currently visiting the US for further studies as a fellow student under the East-West Center program. In an informal setting, she spoke to the group about her experience as a teacher and a program leader that revolutionized educational development in Sarangani Province in Mindanao, Philippines.  With the success of the QUEST program she helped implement, she seeks to continue to serve her people-the Blaan Indigenous Group. 

For more information about the speaker and to learn more about her vision for the Blaan Indigenous People's group, please visit:!Planning-for-Success/ci32/7ABA69DB-6FEE-44C6-A530-168931E11464