February 4, 2015
Dunwoody, Ga. - Dr. Carol Woodley, school administrator of Cornerstone Baptist Deaf Academy, a GFI LDERA recipient accepts $500 store gift card made possible through the generosity of Cross of Life Lutheran Church and its Social Concerns Ministry for purchase of baking tools needed by deaf students. "We are glad to report to you that the deaf students of Cornerstone Baptist Deaf Academy (CBDA) are engaged in the livelihood projects such as cooking and baking. What started out as a classroom project in "Home Economics" has evolved into Income Generating (IGP). It is for these livelihood projects that we would like to request Galing Foundation to donate cooking, baking equipment and utensils to help the deaf students." - Woodley
According to Dr. Woodley, the idea of a sustainable livelihood project such as "bake sale" will be used to subsidize the daily needs such as transportation, toiletries and personal needs of older students in which provides them a sense of fulfillment as they become productive citizens of the community.
Dr. Carol Woodley (center) with CBDA students and their baked goods